All Selected Publications

Postsecondary Transitions and Transition to Adulthood

White, A., Liang, B., Hill, N. E., & Perella, J. (2021). “My mentor thinks that I can be someone amazing:” Drawing out youths’ passions and purpose. Journal of Adolescent Research

Hill, N. E., Liang, B., Price, M., Polk, W. & Perella, J., & Savitz-Romer, M. (2018) Envisioning a meaningful future and academic engagement: The role of parenting practices and school-based relationships. Psychology in the Schools, 55, 595–608. DOI: 10.1002/pits.22146

Hill, N. E., Liang, B., Bravo, D. Y, Price, M., Polk, W., Perella, J., & Savitz-Romer, M. (2018). Adolescents’ perceptions of the economy: Its association with academic engagement and the role in school-based and parental relationships. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(5), 895-915.

Hill, N. E. & Wang, M-T (2015). From middle school to college:  Promoting engagement, developing aspirations and the mediated pathways from parenting to post high school enrollment. Developmental Psychology, 51(2), 224-235.  DOI: 10.1037/a0038367.

Hill, N. E., Ramirez, C. L., & Dumka, L. E., (2003).  Adolescents’ career aspirations:  A qualitative study of perceived barriers and family support among low income ethnically diverse adolescents.  Journal of Family Issues, 24, 934-959.

Developmental Theory & Methodology

Hill, N. E., (2021). In search of the individual embedded in context: Applications of the Specificity Principle. Journal of Applied Developmental Science, 75.

Savitz-Romer, M. Nicola, T., Jensen, A., Hill, N.E., Liang, B. & Perella, J. (2018). Data-Driven School Counseling: The Role of the Research–Practice Partnership. Professional School Counseling, 22(1),

Knight, G. P. & Hill, N. E. (1998).  Measurement equivalence in research involving minority adolescents. In V. C. McLoyd & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Studying minority adolescents:  Theoretical and methodological issues (pp. 183-210) Mahwah, NJ:  Erlbaum.

Race-Ethnicity-Socioeconomic Status and Child Development

 Umana-Taylor, A., J. & Hill, N. E. (2020). Ethnic-racial socialization in the family: A decade’s advance on precursors and outcomes. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 82, 244-271

McBride Murry, V., Hill, N. E., Berkel, C., Witherspoon, D. P., & Bartz, D. (2015). Children in diverse social contexts.  In M. Bornstein & T. Leventhal (Eds.), Handbook in Child Psychology and Developmental Science (Volume 4: Ecological Settings and Processes in Developmental Systems, pp. 416-454), R. M. Lerner, Editor-in-Chief; 7th edition. New York: Wiley.

Hill, N. E. & Witherspoon, D. W. (2011). Race, ethnicity, and SES.  In M. Underwood & L. Rosen (Eds.) Handbook on Social Development. (pp. 316-346). New York: Guilford.

 *Hill, N. E. (2006). Disentangling ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and parenting: Interactions, influences, and meaning. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies Journal, 1(1), 114-124. **Most Downloaded Article of 2007**

Hill, N. E., McBride Murry, V., & Anderson, V. D. (2005).  Sociocultural contexts of African American families.  In V. C., McLoyd,  N. E. Hill, & K. A. Dodge (Eds.), African American Family Life:  Ecological and Cultural Diversity.  Duke Series on Child Development and Public Policy; Volume 2:  Series Editors:  K. A. Dodge & M. Putallaz.  New York:  Guilford Press. 

McLoyd, V. C., Hill, N. E., & Dodge, K. A. (2005). Emerging Issues in African American Family Life:  Context, Adaptation, and Policy.  In V. C., McLoyd,  N. E. Hill, & K. A. Dodge (Eds.), African American Family Life:  Ecological and Cultural Diversity.  Duke Series on Child Development and Public Policy; Volume 2:  Series Editors:  K. A. Dodge & M. Putallaz.  New York:  Guilford Press.

Hill, N. E. & Herman-Stahl, M. A. (2002).  Neighborhood safety and social involvement: The impact on depression and parenting among African American and Euro-American mothers. Journal of Family Psychology, 16(2), 209-219.

Murry, V. M., Smith, E. P. & Hill, N. E. (2001). Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in studies of families in context. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 63(4), 911-914.


Price, M. Hill, N. E., Liang, B., & Perella, J. (2019). Teacher Relationships and Adolescents Experiencing Identity-Based Victimization What Matters for Whom Among Stigmatized Adolescents. School Mental Health Journal. DOI: 10.1007/s12310-019-09327-z.

Bravo, D. Y., Jeffries, J. Epps, A. & Hill, N. E. (2019). When things go viral: Youth’s discrimination in the world of social media. In H. E. Fitzgerald, D. J. Johnson, D. Qin, F. Villarruel, & J. Norder (Eds.),  Handbook of Children and Prejudice: Integrating Research, Practice, and Policy. (pp. 269-287). New York: Springer.

Price, M., Olezesky, C., McMahon, T. & Hill, N. E. (2019). A Developmental Perspective on Victimization Faced by Gender-Nonconforming Youth.  In H. E. Fitzgerald, D. J. Johnson, D. Qin, F. Villarruel, & J. Norder (Eds.),  Handbook of Children and Prejudice: Integrating Research, Practice, and Policy. (pp. 447-461) New York: Springer. 

Price, M., Polk, W., Hill, N. E., Liang, B. & Perella, J. (2019). The intersectionality of identity-based victimization in adolescence:  A person-centered examination of mental health and academic achievement in a U. S. high school. Journal of Adolescence, 76, 185-196. DOI: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2019.09.002.

Polk, W., Hill, N. E., Price, M., Liang, B., Perella, J. & Savitz-Romer, M. (2018). Adolescent Profiles of Marginalization and Connection at School: Relations with Academics and Mental Health. Journal of Research on Adolescence, DOI:  10.1111/jora.12460.

Schools and Academic Performance

Liu, P., Savitz-Romer, M., Perella, J., Liang, B., & Hill, N. E. (2018). Students representations of dyadic and global teacher-student relationships:  Perceived caring, negativity, affinity, and differences across gender and race/ethnicity. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 54, 281-296. DOI: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.07.005. 

Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., Wormington, S. V., Snyder, K. E., Riggsbee, J., Perez, T. Ben-Eliyahu, A., Hill, N. E. (2018) Multiple pathways to success:  An examination of integrative motivational profiles among college and upper elementary students. Journal of Educational Psychology.

Tyson, D. F., Linnenbrink-Garcia, L., & Hill, N. E. (2009).  Regulating Debilitating Emotions in the Context of Performance:  Achievement Goal Orientations, Achievement-Elicited Emotions, and Socialization Contexts.  Human Development, 52(6), 329-356

Hill, N. E. & McKinney, J. P. (1998).  Interviewing as a teaching tool.  In J. P. McKinney, L. B. Shiamberg, & L. Shelton (Eds.), Teaching the Course on Adolescent Development (pp. 203-218).  New York:  Garden Press.

Parental Involvement in Education & Family School Relationships

Hill, N. E., Witherspoon, D., & Bartz, D. L. (2018). Parental involvement in education during middle school:  Perspectives of ethnically diverse parents, teachers, and students. Journal of Educational Research, v111 n1 p12-27. DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2016.1190910.

Hill, N. E., Jeffries, J. & Murray K. (2017). Ethnic minority youth and parents still navigate inequities in educational opportunities:  New tools for old problems. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 674, 113-133  DOI: 10.1177/0002716217730618.

Kim, S. W. & Hill, N. E. (2015).  Including Fathers in the Picture: A Meta-Analysis of Parental Involvement and Students’ Academic Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107(2).

Hill, N. E. (2015).  Family-school relationships during adolescence Clarifying Goals, Broadening Conceptualizations, and Deepening Impact.  In S. M. Sheridan & E. M. Kim (Eds.), Research on family-school partnerships:  An interdisciplinary examination of state of the science and critical needs. New York: Springer.

Wang, M-T, Hill, N. E. & Hofkens, T. (2014). Parental Involvement and Adolescent Academic, Behavioral, and Emotional Development in Secondary School.  Child Development, 85(6), 2151-2168. DOI: 10.1111/cdev.12284.

Hill, N. E. (2011).  Undermining partnerships between African-American families and schools:

Legacies of discrimination and inequalities. In Hill, N. E., Mann, T. L., & Fitzgerald, H. E. (Eds.), African American Children’s Mental Health:  Development and Context (Vol. 1) (pp. 199-230). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Hill, N. E. & Torres, K. A. (2010). Negotiating the American Dream: The Paradox of Aspirations and Achievement among Latino Students and Engagement between their Families and Schools. Journal of Social Issues, 66(1), 95-112.

Hill, N. E. (2009). Culturally-based worldviews, family processes, and family-school interaction. In S. Christenson & A. Reschly (Eds.). The Handbook on School-Family Partnerships for Promoting Student Competence (pp. 101-127). New York: Routledge/Taylor Francis.

*Hill, N. E. & Tyson, D. F. (2009). Parental involvement in middle school:  A meta-analytic assessment of the strategies that promote achievement. Developmental Psychology, 45(3), 740-763. *Winner 2010 SRA Social Policy Best Article Award*

Hill, N. E., Tyson, D. F., & Bromell, L. (2009).  Parental involvement in middle school:  Developmentally appropriate strategies across SES and ethnicity.  In N. E. Hill & R. K. Chao (Eds.) Families, schools, and the adolescent:  Connecting research, policy, and practice. (pp. 53-72). New York: Teachers College Press.

Hill, N. E. & Chao, R. K. (2009).  Background in theory, policy, and practice.  In N. E. Hill & R. K. Chao (Eds.) Families, schools and the adolescent: Connecting research, policy, and practice.(pp. 1-15). New York: Teachers College Press.

Chao, R. K. & Hill, N. E. (2009).  Recommendations for developmentally appropriate strategies for parental involvement during adolescence.  In N. E. Hill & R. K. Chao (Eds.) Families, schools and the adolescent: Connecting research, policy, and practice. (pp. 195-207). New York: Teachers College Press.

Hill, N. E. (2008). Parental Involvement. In E. M. Anderman (Ed.) Psychology of classroom learning: An encyclopedia. Detroit, MI; MacMillan. 

Hill, N. E., Castellino, D. R., Lansford, J. E., Nowlin, P., Dodge, K. A., Bates, J. & Petit, G. (2004).  Parent-Academic Involvement as Related to School Behavior, Achievement, and Aspirations: Demographic Variations across Adolescence. Child Development, 75(4), 1491-1509.

Hill, N. E., & Taylor, L. C. (2004). Parent-school involvement and children’s academic achievement:  Pragmatics and Issues. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13, 161-164.

Hill, N. E. & Craft, S. (2003).  Parent-school involvement and children’s school performance:  Mediated pathways among African American and Euro-American children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95, 74-83.

Hill, N. E. (2001).  Parenting and academic socialization as they relate to school readiness: The role of ethnicity and family income. Journal of Educational Psychology. 93(4), 686-697.

Parenting and Child and Adolescent Development

Hill, N. E. (2012). Parent-child and child-peer close relationships: Understanding parental influences on peer relations from a cultural context.  In T. J. Loving & L. Campbell (Eds.), Close relationships across the lifespan. (pp. 109-134) Washington DC:  APA Books.

Le, H., N., Ceballo, R., Chao, R.K., Hill, N. E., Murry, V. M., & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2008). Excavating Culture:  Disentangling Ethnic Differences from Contextual Influences in Parenting. Applied Developmental Science, 12(4).

Hill, N. E. & Tyson, D. F. (2008). Excavating culture: Ethnicity and context as predictors of parenting behavior. Applied Developmental Science, 12 (4).

Ceballo, R. Chao, R. K., Hill, N. E., Le, H., Murry, V. M., & Pinderhughes, E. E. (2008). Excavating Culture: Summary of results. Applied Developmental Science, 12(4).

Hill, N. E., Bromell, L., Tyson, D. F., & Flint, R. (2007).  Ecological perspectives on parental influences during adolescence.  Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 36(3), 367-377.

Bouffard, S. & Hill, N. E. (2005). Maternal perceptions of competence and children’s academic adjustment:  Longitudinal relations across early elementary school. Social Psychology of Education, 8, 441-463.

Barbarin, O, McCandies, T., Coleman, C. & Hill, N. E. (2005). School performance among African American children: Preparation, Beliefs, and Practices. In V. C., McLoyd, N. E. Hill, & K. A. Dodge (Eds.), African American Family Life:  Ecological and Cultural Diversity.  Duke Series on Child Development and Public Policy; Volume 2:  Series Editors:  K. A. Dodge & M. Putallaz.  New York:  Guilford Press.

Hill, N. E., Bush, K. R., & Roosa, M. W. (2003). Relations between parenting and family socialization strategies and children’s mental health:  Low income, Mexican American and Euro-American mothers’ and children’s perspectives. Child Development, 74, 189-204.

Hill, N. E. & Bush, K. (2001).  Relations between parenting environment and children’s mental health among African American and Euro-American mothers and children. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 63(4), 954-966.

Gonzales, N. A., Pitts, S., Hill, N. E.,& Roosa, M. W. (2000).  A mediational model of the impact of interparental conflict on child adjustment: The role of disrupted parenting within a high risk sample  Journal of Family Psychology, 14(3), 365-379.

Hill, N. E. (1997) Does parenting differ based on social class?:  African-American females' perceived socialization for achievement.  American Journal of Community Psychology, 25(5), 675-697.

Hill, N. E. (1995).  The relationship between family environment and parenting style:  A preliminary study of African American families.  Journal of Black Psychology, 21(4), 408-423.